Caviar spoon

Mere om Caviar spoon
The quality of caviar is determined by its delicate flavour, and it is therefore important to use the right kind of spoon for caviar. A silver spoon will oxidise and give a metallic taste to the caviar. A horn spoon doesn't react with the caviar, preserving its delicate taste and the caviar remains unspoiled.
A bit of caviar history
The first records of harvesting roe date back to Batu Khan's time (grandson of Genghis Khan) around 1240. However, it was not until the 19th century that the French began to import the expensive delicacy from the area around the Caspian Sea. To preserve the caviar for transportation, the eggs were added large amounts of salt, in contrast to the lightly salted "Malossol", which is typically eaten today. Import of the latter only became possible when refrigerated transportation was invented.
In the late 1800s, it was discovered that the roe from the Atlantic and white sturgeon was of almost as high quality as the Russian. This led to the delicacy being often served in pubs in North America and Europe, as the salty taste encouraged more beer drinking, just as we see peanuts being used today. Overfishing, however, led to these species becoming virtually extinct around 1915. A catch ban was introduced and wasn´t lifted again until the late 1950s. Due to the high price, most people today mainly serve caviar for festive occasions such as New Year´s celebration, and often accompanied with champagne.
Danish caviar
Today you can get Danish caviar of very high quality. The caviar is a 100% natural product, ie. without additives or preservatives.
We sell caviar from Lyksvad, but please note that it is an order item and that it must be picked up in one of our stores.
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